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Is This What I Am Supposed To Be Doing?

stay-at-home-mom as occupation

For too many years I thought being a stay-at-home-mom was just something I would do while I took a break from my career to raise my kids. 

I soon realized that this story felt more like I was giving myself a demotion.  Like I was somehow settling for something less than what I was capable of.  That I would be going backwards.

Yet I was determined that being a SAHM was the right thing for our family.

Then one day a switched flipped.  I realized that I had simply changed careers.  

When I embraced that being a SAHM was my career, and a worthy vocation, is the day that everything shifted for me. 

It could shift for you too!  

When you embrace your SAHM career:

  • You become more motivated to learn, stretch and grow
  • You begin to relax and have more fun
  • You problem solve without feeling like a victim
  • You enjoy investing time and energy into your family
  • You appreciate your own efforts and stop looking for validation from others
  • You understand that your life has profound meaning and purpose 
  • You realize that what feels mundane to you is creating comfort security for those you love
  • And on and on...

You can acknowledge that your education, intelligence, skills, and freedom are not being wasted.  In fact, who better to use your knowledge and abilities to influence than your own family! 

Raising a family in today’s world is not for the faint of heart.  Being a stay-at-home-mom is a worthy, respectable, and valid vocation. 

What you do every single day takes courage, intelligence, management, compassion, and fortitude.

Once you fully believe this so will those around you.